* Key Features
1. It's an infinite digging game that challenges 'the deppest' to avoid the terrible Big Drill of 'Henry III.'
2. A game where a block is destroyed by 'Slide or Tap' at a specific time according to the 'arroows or specific marks' shown in the 'block'.
3. It is fun with various blocks and various arrows carved into blocks.
4. Various items are prepared to challenge the highest depth.
- Booster Item: Automatically moves to a certain depth when play starts.
- Laser Item: Launch laser and destroy multiple blocks at once.
- Berserker Item: Automatically move to a certain depth when play ends.
- Life Item: Provides an additional '+1 opportunity' from a total of 3 opportunities when play starts.
5. 'Single Mode' is supported only.
6. It's a free game.
7. Supports low specification devices.
8. Tablets are supported.
* Game rules
1. The DigDig coms down from the top.
2. Arrow appears in block.
3. When the DigDig touches the block, screen slide it in the direction of the arrow shown in the block.
4. When it success, will destroy the block. If it fails, the Big Drill of 'Henry III' will come down.
- Compensation will be paid in case of block failure.
- If you fail three times in total, the Big Drill of 'Henry III' will take DigDig up and end the game.